Body Waxing Basics By Stevie


Body waxing is an excellent choice for removing unwanted hair. Before you make your appointment, it’s important to make sure you’re prepared and that it’s the correct choice for you. I have been performing waxing procedures for over 15 years on all areas of the body and face. Please follow this information to ensure a good waxing experience.

  1. You MUST have two weeks of hair growth in order for the wax removal process to work and be less painful. This equates to 1/4 of an inch of hair.
  2. The week prior to waxing, I prefer you to exfoliate with a sugar or salt scrub and/or exfoliating gloves. This exfoliation prepares the area to be waxed over several days to ensure that all hair is raised and ready to remove.
  3. We do not perform Brazilian waxing services on female clients who are menstruating. This makes the experience much more painful for the client being waxed. I get it, life happens. Please call or text the shop if you need to reschedule.
  4. We do not wax areas of the body that have been exposed to tanning beds or sun exposure within the last 24 hours. This can cause lifting of the skin. We do not want to cause pain or scaring.
  5. Male Brazilian clients are waxed by me a male esthetician only! I do not expect my female estheticians to perform the service due to prior client’s improper attitude and behavior. If you’re serious about having hair removed, I promise a professional treatment.
  6. It is important to know what medications you are on prior to attending your waxing appointment. Certain acne, heart, birth control and thyroid medications can cause complications during the waxing. If you are on any of these medications you MUST disclose them prior to your service as certain ones can cause lifting of the skin when being waxed.
  7. If you are using any type of chemical exfoliant on the body, it’s necessary to discontinue them 2 weeks prior to the waxing service. This includes glycolic acid and all Retinoids (Retinol, Retin-A).
  8. Prior to any waxing service you can take a Tylenol (4 hours before) and an Advil (2 hours before) to help with pain and inflammation. I am not a physician. Any medical advice or allergies of course take precedent. I use a topical Lidocaine aerosol 4% spray with all bikini and Brazilian services.
  9. The Brazilian wax service includes all hair removal in the front as well as behind. If you prefer to keep some hair, please let your esthetician know prior to starting the service. We do not place our clients on all four as there are better ways to perform the service. We use the butterfly technique and have the client pull their knees to there chest when needed to remove hair in hard to reach places.
  10. For post wax treatment, I recommend using anti-bacterial soap and a white wash cloth to clean the waxed area for the first week. Do not use shower poofs or sponges for the first week because they breed bacteria and often will cause breakout activity in the waxed area. To prevent ingrown hairs you must exfoliate and moisturize the area after waxing to keep the follicle clear. I recommend no bumps topical solution to prevent infection, break out activity and help the body heal properly before the next wax.